Hotel NAR

Visual Identity and Web Design for East Herzegovina Based Hotel

Category: Identity Digital

The hotel Nar is located in Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is one of the most modern facilities of this type in Eastern Herzegovina. If we look at aspects of what makes this hotel unique, we could include the modern space, the heritage of the East Herzegovina region and dedication to imaginative customer service. Shift has created an identity for the hotel, which brings all these qualities to the fore.

 At the centre of the identity is the stylistics of the mosaic technique. There are significant stylistic, religious, and cultural aspects related to mosaic, which have played an important role in our culture. This technique is always linked to confidence and authority, due to its strong sharp and clear lines.

The logotype of the hotel is energetic and very expressive and must be applied with integrity. The strong imagery of the pomegranate sets it at the centre of the communicative message of the hotel. The symmetry of the logo additionally commands it a proud place in the middle of promotional materials and all other applications, expressing the brand’s confidence and superiority. 

The mosaic technique is at the heart of the visual identity and all its applications through various mediums. In the interior application, the main advantage was that we could build on the unique and inimitable qualities of various materials ranging from marble, and glass, to metal. It is important to emphasize that the famous architect Amir Vuk Zec is meritorious for the architecture of this hotel.